Following the Government announcement, the Covid-19 Protection Framework [also known as the traffic light system] ended at 11:59 pm 12 September 2022.
With case numbers falling, a highly vaccinated population, and increased access to antiviral medicines to treat COVID-19, public health experts say it is safe to remove most COVID-19 rules and end border restrictions.
All mask wearing requirements have been removed, except in healthcare and aged care facilities.
- It will be a personal choice of the village residents, team members and contractors as to whether they choose to wear a mask within the village and village community facilities.
- Mask wearing will still be required within Generus Living Care Facilities.
Only those who test positive for Covid-19 are required to isolate for seven days, household contacts no longer need to.
- Should a resident or village team member test positive for Covid-19 the government request an isolation period of 7 days, spouses or other household members are no longer required to self-isolate.
- However, as with any flu or infection, we would encourage any resident where a positive test has been recorded within their household, to minimise community interaction.
We will continue to be extra vigilant in Care Facilities to ensure the appropriate infection control protocols are in place whilst balancing family visits and resident wellbeing.
Should you have any specific questions or concerns please email our COVID Response Team at